School Cleaning Procedure

School Cleaning Procedures For A Safe Learning Space

School Cleaning Procedures: Comprehensive Guide For Clean And Safe Learning

Learning spaces like schools are where children learn new habits and teach them. A school fosters the development and practice of several skills, like creativity, discipline, and academics. Besides these elements, a school also plays a crucial role in building positive attitudes and techniques in a healthy environment. This is why maintaining a clean and sanitized space is equally important compared to safety and health. Institutions build a clean and safe learning space with different school cleaning procedures.

Schools are the learning spaces that children often spend their time in. Teachers and the supporting staff equally contribute to this aspect. There is a necessity to keep the school premises clean and sanitized. Regular cleaning helps maintain a safe and healthy learning space for students. However, school cleaning is a comprehensive procedure.

Understanding The School Cleaning Procedures

School cleaning in Sydney involves multiple layers of cleaning procedures and cleaning processes. This process begins with charting a cleaning schedule, gathering the essentials, and then slowly moving into the cleaning process. Here’s how to do the school cleaning process professionally:

The Essential School Cleaning Steps

1. Establish A Cleaning Schedule

  • Before the cleaning procedure begins, chart a schedule with all cleaning requirements.
  • Include details like spaces for regular cleaning, cleaning methods included in regular cleaning, disinfectants and equipment used, deep cleaning sessions, areas that need to be frequently sanitized, etc.

2. Use Of Environmentally Friendly Products

  • Since schools are the most active spaces for children, it is necessary to use cleaning agents that best suit their health requirements.
  • Therefore, it is recommended that the cleaning materials be environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

3. Provide Proper Training For Staff

  • To emphasize the need for a clean and healthy environment, the staff must be trained with workshops and professionals who can explain the procedure comprehensively.
  • School cleaning services must be explained with great care and focus on the need to maintain a clean space.

Daily Cleaning Procedures

1. Classrooms

  • In classrooms, ensure that all surfaces, like desks, chairs, countertops, shelves, etc., are wiped and dusted with disinfectants and non-toxic cleaning agents.
  • Vacuuming and mopping the floor can be done regularly.

2. Common Areas

  • Typical common areas of institutions include doorknobs, light switches, railings, staircases, slides, and water coolers.

3. Cafeteria

  • The foremost aspect of cafeteria cleaning is sanitizing because it serves food.
  • Begin by cleaning the chairs and tables before and after every use.
  • Clean the food, preparing utensils, area, and serving space thoroughly.
  • Empty and disinfect the trash disposal areas regularly.

4. Gymnasiums And Athletic Facilities

  • Cleaning sports equipment regularly.
  • Dust, mop, and vacuum the gymnasiums regularly. Followed by using any environment-friendly cleaning solution to sanitize it.
  • Ensure to sweep and mop the floors.
School Cleaning Procedures

Weekly Cleaning Procedures

1. Deep Cleaning

  • Unlike regular cleaning procedures, deep cleaning classrooms, cafeterias, and play areas are necessary.
  • Apart from dusting, mopping, vacuuming, and sanitizing, the deep cleaning method will use additional cleaning agents to ensure that every minute space of the area or equipment is cleaned thoroughly.

2. Technology And Learning Tools

  • Technology and learning tools fall under high-touch surface areas in schools.
  • Often, the student spends most of their time learning through eLearning methods, and almost everyone in the institution widely uses these tools.
  • Hence, these learning tools can carry germs and dust longer if not cleaned regularly or weekly.
  • Weekly sanitization procedures for learning equipment are a must to ensure that germs do not come in contact with everyone.

Monthly Cleaning Procedures

1. HVAC Systems

  • Monthly school cleaning procedures may require professional cleaning services to help sanitize the HVAC systems.
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems require professional cleaning methods and cleaning agents to remove the dust. 
  • This procedure is beneficial for the maintenance and proper functioning of the HVAC systems.

2. Storage Areas

  • Storage areas often have unnoticed spaces of growing germs and dust accumulation.
  • Decluttering the storage space is one of the most fundamental aspects of the monthly cleaning procedure.
  • Try to segregate the items stored into usable, reusable, and discardable items that can be separated accordingly.
  • One of the primary things often overlooked is eliminating unnecessary things instead of storing them. Therefore, decluttering is highly crucial.

Seasonal Cleaning Procedures

1. Outdoor Areas

  • Seasonal cleaning mainly includes deep cleaning sessions for outdoor areas and other areas of an institution that remain untouched during regular cleaning procedures.
  • Begin by inspecting the outdoor areas and measuring the cleaning required for each equipment and space.
  • Design a suitable cleaning schedule for cleaning the debris, like dusting, mopping, and sanitizing the equipment, like slides.

2. Specialized Cleaning

  • Institutions often install specialized equipment or materials like carpets, glass windows, flooring, etc.
  • These materials call for specialized cleaning services by professionals or using special equipment, cleaning solutions, and practices.
  • For floors, floor waxing is recommended; a steam cleaning procedure would be the best for carpets.

Response To Contagious Diseases

1. Implement Enhanced Cleaning Products

  • In the case of any contagious disease that has broken out in the public, like viral fever, dengue, etc., the institution must follow the cleaning practices issued by the health authorities.
  • This procedure helps maintain an optimized cleaning procedure and ensures safety.

2. Communication

  • Communication is the key to preventing the spread of contagious diseases.
  • Generate general information on the measures taken to address the health issue and how parents can contribute by following essential health and hygiene guidelines.
  • Develop illustrations on personal hygiene practices and guidance for students and staff.

Get Help With Professional School Cleaning

The school cleaning procedures can differ depending on the cleaning technique or frequency of cleaning. Through this comprehensive outlook of all the factors and elements involved with school cleaning, you might be wondering about getting external help with these cleaning services.

Professional cleaning services are always an excellent option for school cleaning services, especially in a city like Sydney. Ensuring the institution is wiped clean of all dust and germs promises the parent a safe learning space for their kids. Gift your students a positive and holistic space with Erase Cleaning.